Projects according to Project Group
A Frontiers and Transitions
A3 The confederation of the Anezeh: Social actors between the centres of change · Prof. Dr. Leder, Prof. apl. Dr. A. Nippa, Leipzig
A4 Nomads Without Pasture? Key Issues of Sustainable Development: Political Ecology and Human Security · Dr. Ingo Breuer, Prof. Dr. J. Gertel, Leipzig
A8 Germanic Peoples as Temporary Nomads in the Roman Empire (4th–6th Century A.D.). Rule and Retinue, Social Structures, Cultural Exchange · Prof. Dr. A. Mehl, Dr. O. Schmitt, Halle
A9 Arabisch-europäische Nomadenbilder und die Wahhābiyya (1802-1818) · Prof. Dr. Ralf Elger, Halle
B Conflict and Control
B1 Nomads and Sedentary People in Times of Disaster: Demography, Resources and Power in Egypt and Syria due to the Plague from 748/ 1347 · Dr. K. Franz
B4 Space and Mobility in Mesopotamia at the time of the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Empire · Prof. Dr. M. Streck, Leipzig
B7 Space and Mobility in Syria and Palestine at the time of the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Empire · Prof. Dr. A. Berlejung, Leipzig
B8 Nomadic Rule in a Sedentary Context: States, cities, hinterland in Iran from the coming of the Turks to the Mongols and Timurids (11th–15th centuries) · Prof. Dr. J. Paul, Halle
D Integration and Attachment
D5 (Former) Nomads and Pastoral Land Use in Changing Political and Economic Contexts: Eastern Bukhara/Southern Tajikistan, 1868–2008 · Prof. Dr. J. Paul, Prof. Dr. G. Schlee, Halle
D7 Nomadic and Sedentary Peoples – Northern Mesopotamia during the Arsacid- and Sasanian Period · Dr. St. R. Hauser, Halle · Dr. St. R. Hauser, Halle
D9 Market Institutions in the Relation of Nomadic and Sedentary People of South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains Region, Sudan · Prof. Dr. R. Rottenburg, Halle
E Reflexion and concepts
E4 The Image of the Mongols in the Literatures of the South Caucasus: Armenia and Georgia · Prof. Dr. J. Tubach, Halle
E7 Image and Images of Nomads in Antiquity · Prof. Dr. Ch. Schubert, Jun. Prof. Dr. A. Weiß, Halle
E8 New Technologies in the Tundra: High-Tech Equipment, Perception of Space and Spatial Orientation of Nomadic and Settled Populations of the Russian Arctic · Prof. Dr. G. Schlee, Halle
E9 Power Technologies’ Productions of Space: Saami Territoriality and Indigenity · Dr. J. Miggelbrink, Leipzig
E10 Sustainability of (Post-)Nomadic Resource Utilization Under Global Change – Conceptual Understanding Through Ecological-Economic Modelling · Prof. Dr. K. Frank, Leipzig
Ö Exhibition
Ö Brisante Begegnung. Die 5000jährige Geschichte von Nomaden und Sesshaften (Abschlussausstellung) · Prof. apl. Dr. A. Nippa, Leipzig