Dr. Guma Kunda Komey
Enrico Ille, M.A.
Maria Hahnekamp, M.A.
Abd al-Rahman Bello, B.A.
other Phase of research:
Project D: Integration and Attachment, Project D9
Market Institutions in the Relation of Nomadic and Sedentary People of South Kordofan/Nuba mountains Region
This project examined the market institutions of South Kordofan / Nuba Mountains after the achievement of the Peace Agreement ending the Civil War in the Sudan in 2005. The central focus was the dynamics and agencies that characterize the relationship of three separate, but closely related social fields: market institutions, state administration, and the local communities of sedentary and nomadic groups. The project traced both traders and traded goods, while at the same time paying attention to the social and administrative environments that they encounter at different levels of state structures and community organizations. Taking the local market as an intermediary space for multifaceted interactions, the project explored how various agencies of the three social fields (market, state, and local communities) affect each other. In doing so, it also examined the mutual influences between market institutions, state structures, and local social institutions of sedentary and nomadic groups. In addition, it investigated how the practices and attributions of being "nomadic", "sedentary", "traders" or even "state officials" were altered in this process of multi-dimensional interactions.
Prof. Dr. Richard Rottenburg
in preparation. Bewahrung des Lebens. Krieg, Erinnerung und Vitalität in den Nuba-Bergen (Sudan). Edition Trickster im Hammer Verlag (Monograph, 300 pages).
2011, with Guma Kunda Komey and Enrico Ille. The genesis of recurring wars in Sudan: Rethinking the violent conflicts in the Nuba Mountains / South Kordofan. Halle: University of Halle.
2010. Sozialexperiment als neue Figuration von Wissenschaft, Politik und Markt im postkolonialen Afrika. Leviathan Sonderheft 26: 156-183.
2009. Far-fetched Facts. A Parabel of Development Aid. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
2009. Social and public experiments and new figurations of science and politics in postcolonial Africa. Postcolonial Studies 12 (4): 423-440.
2008. Nomadic-sedentary relations and failing state institutions in Darfur and Kordofan (Sudan). Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte 26.
2002. Das Inferno am Gazellenfluss. Ein afrikanisches Problem oder ein ‘schwarzes Loch’ der Weltgesellschaft? Leviathan 30 (1): 3-33.
1991. Ndemwareng. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in den Morobergen. München: Trickster.
Assistant Prof. Dr. Guma Kunda Komey
2012, with Enrico Ille. Suq Sumbuq - Geheime Märke im sudanesischen Bürgerkrieg. In Jӧrg Gertel and Sandra Calkins (eds.): Nomaden in Unserer Welt. Die Vorreiter der Globalisierung: Von Mobilität und Handel, Herrschaft und Widerstand. Bielfeld: transcript Verlag: 106-114.
2011. The Historical and Contemporary Basis of the Renewed War in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan. Discourse 1 (1): 24-48.
2011, with Sandra Calkins. Umkämpfte Weiden: Landzugang und Überleben im Sudan. (Contested pastures: access to land and survival in Sudan). Geographische Rundschau, Heft 7-8: 28-35.
2011. Back to War in Sudan: Bad Governance or Incomprehensive of the CPA? Horn of Africa Bulletin 23(5): 12-16.
2011. Pastoral-sedentary market relations in a war situation: the Baqqara-Nuba Case. In Jӧrg Gertel and Richard Le Heron (eds.): Economic Spaces of Pastoral Production and Commodity Systems: Market and Livelihoods. Surrey: Ashgate Economic Geography Series: 79-106.
2010. Land, Governance, Conflict and the Nuba of Sudan. London: James Currey.
2010. The Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the questions of identity, territory and political destiny of the indigenous Nuba of the Sudan. International Journal of African Renaissance 5 (1): 48-64.
2010. Ethnic Identity Politics and Boundary Making in Claiming Communal Land in the Nuba Mountains after the CPA. In Elke Grawert (ed.): After the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Sudan: Sign of Change? London, James Currey: 110-129.
2010. Land Factor in War and Conflicts in Africa: the Case of the Nuba Struggle in Sudan. In Toyin Falola and Raphael C. Njoku (eds.): Wars and Peace in Africa: History, Nationalism and the State. Durham NC, Carolina Academic Press: 351-81.
2009. Striving in the Exclusionary State: Territory, Identity and Ethno-politics of the Nuba, Sudan. Journal of International Politics and Development 7 (2): 1-20.
2009. Autochthonous identity: its territorial attachment and political expression in claiming communal land in the Nuba Mountains region, Sudan. In Roxana Kath & Anna-Katharina Rieger (eds.): Raum – Landschaft – Territorium. Zur Konstruktion physischer Räume als nomadische und sesshafte Lebensräume, (Nomaden und Sesshafte 11). Wiesbaden: Reichert, 205-28.
2008. The denied land rights of the indigenous peoples and their endangered livelihood and survival: the case of the Nuba of the Sudan. Ethnic and Racial Studies 31 (5): 991-1008.
2008. The autochthonous claim of land rights by the sedentary Nuba and its persistent contest by the nomadic Baggāra of South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains, Sudan. In: Richard Rottenburg (ed.), Nomadic–sedentary relations and failing state institutions in Darfur and Kordofan, Sudan (Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte 26). Halle, University of Halle: 103 -129.
Enrico Ille, M.A.
2012, with Guma Kunda Komey. Suq Sumbuq - Geheime Märke im sudanesischen Bürgerkrieg. In Jӧrg Gertel and Sandra Calkins (eds.): Nomaden in Unserer Welt. Die Vorreiter der Globalisierung: Von Mobilität und Handel, Herrschaft und Widerstand. Bielfeld: transcript Verlag: 106-114.
2011. Tracing golden past. Historical narratives about Shaybun and Shawabna in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan. Leipzig & Weissenfels: Verlag Ille & Riemer.
2009. Der Berg Šaybūn und das Gold. Historische Narrative und die Verortung von Ressourcen in den Nuba Mountains (Sudan). In Roxana Kath & Anna-Katharina Rieger (eds.): Raum – Landschaft – Territorium. Zur Konstruktion physischer Räume als nomadische und sesshafte Lebensräume, (Nomaden und Sesshafte 11). Wiesbaden: Reichert, 229-250.
2007. Ethnische Strukturen. In: Bernhard Chiari (ed.): Wegweiser zur Geschichte. Sudan. Paderborn Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, 131-141.