Researcher Project D6



Soeren Stark
Assistant Professor of Central Asian Art and Archaeology
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
New York University
15 East 84th Street
New York, NY 10028

Tel. +1 (212) 992-7813
Fax +1 (212) 992-7809

Staff - 1st / 2nd phase of research

Dr. Sören Stark

Sören Stark studied Oriental Archaeology and Art History, Ancient History and (European) Art History at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. From 2000 to 2004 he was an Associated member of the SFB with a study on nomadic-sedentary interactions during the Türk period in Central and Inner Asia (which was published in the series "Nomaden und Sesshafte" as "Die Alttürkenzeit in Mittel- und Zentralasien. Archaeologische und historische Studien", Wiesbaden: Ludwig-Reichert-Verlag, 2008).

From 2004 to 2008 he was a research associate at the SFB with the project D6 "High Mountain and Piedmont zones in Central Asia as areas of interaction between nomadic and sedentary populations". The focus of this project was archaeological field work conducted in Northern Tadjikistan (see and list of publications).

From 2008 to 2010 Sören Stark was Junior Fellow at the Excellence Cluster TOPOI and teaching at the Freie Universität in Berlin. Since 2010 he is Assistant Professor for Central Asian Art and Archaeology at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (New York University).

His main research focus lies on the political and cultural interrelations between pastoral nomads in Central and Inner Asia and their sedentary neighbors. Currently, he is preparing a book on territorial fortifications in Western Central Asia and conducting related fieldwork in Uzbekistan. He is also co-editor of a Handbook of Central Asian Archaeology and Art which is presently under preparation at Oxford University Press.

Selected Publications:

1. Monographs:

Die Alttürkenzeit in Mittel- und Zentralasien. Archäologische und historische Studien, Wiesbaden 2008 (=Nomaden und Sesshafte 6).

Transoxanien nach dem Tang Huiyao des Wang Pu. Übersetzung und Kommentar, Norderstedt 2009.

2. Articles:

»Nomaden und Sesshafte in Mittel- und Zentralasien: Nomadische Adaptionsstrategien am Fallbeispiel der Alttürken«, In: Grenzüberschreitungen. Formen des Kontaks und Wege des Kulturtransfers zwischen Orient und Okzident im Altertum, ed. M. Schuol/U. Hartmann/A. Luther, Stuttgart 2002 (= Orient et Occident 3), pp. 363– 404.

[Usmon Ėšonkulov]: »Ein Paradeisos im Gebiet von Pendžikent», in: Morgenländische Altertümer. Studien aus dem Institut für Orientalische Archäologie und Kunst, ed. M. Mode, Halle 2005 (=Hallesche Beiträge zur
Orientwissenschaft 38), pp. 181–239. [translation from Russian]

»Mercenaries and City Rulers: Early Turks in Pre-Muslim Mawarannahr«, In: Social Orders and Social Landscapes: Proceedings of the 2005 University of Chicago Conference on Eurasian Archaeology, ed. L. Popova, Ch. Hartley, and A. T. Smith, Newcastle 2007, pp. 307–334.

[with N. Rakhimov] »Работы Таджикско-Германской археологической экспедиции на северных склонах Туркестанского хребта в 2005 году«, In: Археологические работы в Таджикистане 31 (2007), pp. 88–117.

»Die Schönste der Städte – Samarqand zwischen Achaimeniden und Alexander dem Großen«, In: 2750 Jahre Samarkand, Erfurt 2008, pp. 22–27 [parallel publication in Uzbek: Самарқанд - ахоманийлар ва Македониялик
Александр даврлари оралиғидаги энг гӯзал шаҳар]

»On Oq Bodun. The Western Türk Qaghanate and the Ashina Clan«, In: Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 15 (2008), pp. 159–172.

»Approaching the Periphery: Highland Ustrūshana in the Pre-Mongol Period«, Islamisation de l’Asie centrale. Processus locaux d’acculturation du VIIe au XIe siècle, ed. É. de la Vaissière, Paris 2008 (=Cahiers de Studia Iranica 39), pp. 215–237.

»Archaeological Sites in Southern Tajikistan (Hulbuk, Ajina Tepe, Takht-i Sangin)«, Southern Tajikistan 1 : 500.000. Tourist Map of Khatlon and Direct Rule Districts (with adjacent areas of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan), ed. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, Zurich 2008.

»Early History«, »Ustrushana«, »Panjakent«, Northern Tajikistan 1 : 500.000. Tourist Map of Sughd (with adjacent areas of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan), ed. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, Zurich 2008.

»Materielle Raumaneignung und kognitive Konstruktion von ›Landscape‹ – Perspektiven des archäologischen Zugangs am Beispiel einer Feldstudie in Hochasien (Tadžikistan)«, In: Raum – Landschaft – Territorium. Zur Konstruktion physischer Räume als nomadischer und sesshafter Lebensraum, ed. R. Kath/A.-K. Rieger, Wiesbaden 2009, pp. 103–148.

»Central and Inner Asian parallels to a find from Kunszentmiklós-Bábony (Kunbábony): Some Thoughts on the Early Avar Headdress«, In: Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia 15 (2010), 287-306.

»Some Remarks on the Headgear of the Royal Türks«, In: Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 4 (2010), 119-133.

[with Usman Eshonkulov, Matthias Gütte, Nabidzhon Rakhimov] »Resource exploitation and settlement dynamics in high mountain areas. The case of mediaeval Ustrūshana (Northern Tadzhikistan), In: Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 42 (2010), pp. 67–85.

»Mountain Pastoralism and Seasonality in Northern Tajikistan. The case of the Northern Turkestan Range«, In: The Visibility of Nomads and Seasonal Occupation in the Archaeological Record: Multi-disciplinary Approaches to a
Methodological Problem, ed. St. Hauser, Wiesbaden (in print).

»Siedlungswüstungen, Kurgane und Felsbilder – archäologische Feldforschungen im Hochgebirge Tadschikistans (Turkestan-Kette)«, In: Nomaden in unserer Welt, ed. I. Breuer (in print).

3. Reviews:

»Review of Halbertsma, Tjalling H.F.: Early Christian Remains of Inner Mongolia. Discovery, Reconstruction and Appropriation«, In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 104/6 (2009), pp. 104-108.

»Review of Parzinger, Hermann et al.: Das Zinn der Bronzezeit in Mittelasien I. Die siedlungsarchäologischen Forschungen im Umfeld der Zinnlagerstätten«, In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 105/1 (2010), pp. 97–104.