Project Group B: Conflict and Control, Project B1

The Interplay between Bedouin Groups
in Syria and Egypt and the Ayyûbid and
Mamlûk State Systems


The study focuses on the life world and historical importance of the Bedouin groups, who lived within the Ayyûbid and Mamlûk sphere of control from 1171 until about 1341. The interplay between them (the term a'râb being understood as an ambiguous denotion of nomadism, tribalism and gentility at the same time) and the sedentary people were no longer framed by para- and small statehood against a background of Bedouin predominance, as it had been in the 10th and 11th centuries. The Bedouinization of Syria, which took place in that period, was analzyed during the previous phase of research of B1. By now, interaction rather developed under the conditions of renewed state organization and a blossoming urban culture.

The recovery of the sedentary milieu in Syria and Egypt exposed the nomadic population to a new effort of integration by the state, but it also challenged their ability to persist. It is necessary to bring out the paradigmatic character of this new constellation. In particular, the co-option of Syrian tribal chiefs through appointment to the office of Emir of the Bedouin (amîr al-'arab) marks a basically systematic Bedouin policy of the state. Although this brought about transformations of the tribal society and its outside relations, it could neither definitely weaken tribalism as a principle of political organization nor achieve a lasting pacification of the steppe areas. The project intends to demonstrate the multi-faceted interaction in the Syro-Mesopotamian region and to systematize it in comparison to Egypt. In the analysis, particular attention will be paid to the following issues:

  • effects and limitations of state rule
  • structures of pastoral nomadism and the nomads' life world
  • insistence and modification of the nomadic mixed economy
  • the spatial dimension of interaction and the development of settlement activities
  • changes in the status and perception of the Bedouin

Methodically, the Arabic historical, biographic, and administrative literature of the time is central to all these aspects. Next, the data on the historical geography, namely of Syria, will be converted into a series of maps in cooperation with a cartographer. On the basis of this, a survey with regard to settlement and fortification should eventually serve to combine the literal and archaeological evidence.


Prof. Dr. Stefan Leder

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Dr. Kurt Franz

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